Which headlight works best for me?

January 23, 2011

Headlight is a step up from normal lighting solutions in that it offers flexibility and direct line-of-sight illumination with no blind spot. Depending on personal eye sensitivity, each person could be somewhat different in the preference of his/her lighting solution depending on his/her standard eye wear (for e.g., prescription glasses, safety goggle, face shield etc) and magnification loupes (brand names, magnification, optics and frame style). In general , sufficient lighting is required to achieve the detail and clarity in order to better handle operating procedures. DentLight’s solutions offer:

  • Nano 2S and 2C for general illumination with magnification
  • Xtreme for oral surgeons, endodontists and high power magnification users who requires more intensity

All of our solutions have the best characteristics in their class in weight, size, digital functions, and a full suite of accessaries that significantly ease the integration and operation of the lights.

We offer five mounting adapters that fit on all loupe brands and frames.

Headlights and Loupes