Does FUSION generate heat?

December 19, 2010

In general, the higher the intensity of curing light, the more heat it generates. Common test of an LED curing light by pointing it to the finger and feeling how hot it gets from the light tip tells you the power and quality of a light. The higher the optical power, the hotter it is going to feel on your finger from optical absorption of your skin. If it does not feel anything on your finger right away, it is a low power LED light. For example, FUSION 5 at plasma power mode feels hot quicker than at pulse power.

There are several techniques to manage heat from high intensity curing lights including

  • Use appropriate curing times. Limit the exposure time on a single tooth to below 3 seconds at a time, which has proven to be safe.
  • Do not place light in direct contact with unprotected gingival, oral mucous membrane or skin. Prevent heat accumulation with a rubber dam in place or apply Kool-Dam on the gingiva and surrounding soft tissue prior to curing.
  • Use technique of blowing air from an air syringe on the tooth being restored at the same time the resin is being cured as suggested by Dr. Gordon Christensen.
  • Use technique of placing a wet cotton roll directly on the tooth crown opposite the side of exposure to lesson temperature rise.
  • Use Pulse Power Mode to generate less heat if the users are more comfortable with it.

FUSION uses the most efficient passive cooling technology from aircraft aluminum as heat dissipator for LED. FUSION 5 is the most efficient curing light in that it generates the smallest amount of heat at the same energy than any other lights. It maintains its cool throughout the running times. Since light curing happens in short duration different from constant power sources such as computers, passive cooling without a fan is not only sufficient to ensure optimal performance, but also extends product lifetimes as is proven in the field for years. FUSION has a typical continuous run time of several minutes before self thermal protection and shutdown in Plasma Power Mode. Considering the extreme high intensity and perfect beam quality from FUSION light tip, typical composite curing time is just 3-6 seconds. The heat concern should not be an issue in normal clinical use.

Curing Lights